Silver Mercury tagged FV – 2816 DC- shows the World that wait long enough the dumbness will show the same dumbness over and over again!

By InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford

Terry Dwayne Ashford, Chief Executive of DatGEETV, DaTGuY Radio, BlabberNEWS Magazine and reporting chief of TalkNOW News StreetNOW team.

About the Silver Mercury tag FV – 2816 DC- dumbness shows dumbness over and over again. And here’s how:

And This takes us back to the very beginnings. Dumb interpretation of the news article written by Terry Dwayne Ashford in the Southern Voice Newspaper, a Book Review of Back in the day. The Muslim black men dumbos who often can't even read - read the professionally written journalistic  LEAD to the book review and instead of equating the article professional lead to the topic of the book review - the illiterate black male Muslim read the Professionally Written journalist's work  withinn the surgically strategic writing of the book review to mean that the journalist, Terry Dwayne Ashford needed to understand who  was GAY and who was NOT. The news article lead misinterpreteded acts in the same way as the programme of EGO to the airing of DatGUY TV. The decision of the style of the  lead was professional and so was the programming of DatGUY TV. Class to to take is news judgement that in business proposal proposals is business relevancy. Same issues - dumbness and aggression dealt with in arrogance.  You are too dumb to know what a journalist knows. Too bad to know even restraint of your own hormones. Too horny to know the difference. 

To have done such to my mother who couldn't explain it the way I have - requires the liar be JAILED. It requires based , if not on murder then on manslaughter!  The same as would be required if your manipulated events had killed me. You KILLED my mother then HOPED offering me SEX would get the MURDERING Muslims off the HOOK. It didn't! 

In support of the Silver Mercury Tag FV 2816 DC found to have been craziness from a sicko psychotic HOE who may even have badge backings (YEAP a cop harassment) trying to entrap, get bashed and be the planted HOE to receive the benefit of having he InDaCarSeat DaTGuY arrested on a false violence for branding the street like a cow bell 🛎 ringing on the cow’s neck of a N8GGER’s brains smeared all over the pavement, we provide the DaTGuYTV page spotlighting “Ego” which allegedly the cops were challenging of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. We also provide the tweeted info leading up to the final insane analysis showing insane dumbness ignorance arrogance and aggression from black Muslim low class MEN aimed at another member of the Ashford family. Heeheehee “Fight Me!” Said the low class – “I am a dumb black ass Muslim who has nothing in life to live for and therefore nothing to loose.” Therefore the silver Mercury and the thug following pursued and persisted to lead the attack which was instructed to destroy the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford’s career. All sniped by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY being the infamous renown journalist broadcaster of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Tv and radio Show, named none other than Terry Dwayne Ashford.

The DaTGuYTV and DaTGuY Radio Pages used by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY that entrapped the entrapping WASHINGTON dc MPD police are shown in photographs within in this article, with links to the infamous pages for your interesting dumb cop rhapsody connections.

The links to the pages showing the EGO spotlight follows:

Evidence Page Number 1 –
DaTGuY Television HomePage directed by the targeted InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford

Click the image and be connected to the link

Evidence Page Number 2 –
DaTGuY Radio HomePage directed by the targeted InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford

Click the image and be connected to the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY LED DaTGuY Radio page link
Click the Twitter Feed for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY tweets which led the streetNOW Report analysis ( )

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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