Staged Fight planted to Frame the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford in Rock Creek Park @ 415 pm

By InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford

Staged Fight in the woods near the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY in the rock creek park was to falsify plant the fight that did not happen on an innocent person by the cops. We allege that the planned 911 call from that falsification of a fight in the park was to be posed as Terry Dwayne Ashford in another fraud call to police who would make the claim behind the scenes. Squashed

The screams of a whiter race English speaking affluent man rang all the way across the creek from the woods across the street from beech drive where the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford walked, leaving his workout at the carousel area. Upon looking in that direction, saw no man and no fight.

The words from that man was “get away from me do not come any closer to me.” Then anyone in the area would have heard bushes scrambling as if a fight was ensuing.

As InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford walked on the pavement, there stood the mulatto mixed looking boyish man appearing to be on a call with police. Upon passing, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford asked the same falsifying call person for the time. What he did not know is that the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was asking for the exact time for the reporting of the incident. And he said 415 pm.

The falsified call to police which we are not supposed to even know was made – was dialed between 409 pm and 415 pm- if a call was made at all.

The presumption is that the fight would be staged and was to be falsely linked to a target and that was to be on July 14, 2020 – the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford. But after the planned fight between InDaCarSeat and the black Muslim failed – the contingent plan was to stage another fight which was to frame InDaCarSeat DaTGuY by the same black men who had waited for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Ashford – at the carousel area. The surveillance allowed the organizers who are allegedly the cops to see InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s movement from one workout location to another in his completing his workout.

Identified are three frames that was supposed to have linked to the falsified call.

Frame 1. The waiting two men, one black and one white one at the carousel area to badger Terry Dwayne Ashford through visual harassment of racism. Frame 2. The staged fight of screaming from the wooded area when no person was actually seen. Frame 3. A call from supposedly a passing person who seems to have been in on a plot.

The black dark Muslim appearing male wearing blue had waited to badger InDaCarSeat DaTGuY using his two black kids, one boy wearing a red hat and one girl wearing a pink dress. Warned the man that the kids would be cared for when we have CPS (Child Protective Services) to pick them up and place them in to foster care.

That black Muslim man had waited on the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry DWAYNE Ashford specifically to badger using the the white man, who also had waited. The whiter man was with one white daughter in a pink dress. The white man who was arranged to meet a black Muslim male was aimed at bullying and badgering for power points that failed.

The arrangement was supposed to have been an In-Your-Face to show YOU that we-can-do-racism whenever-we-want-to even stalking Innocent People – the white man wore gray top and gray bottoms while getting into a medium colored gray suv to drive off once he signaled the black man to attack InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. The white man did not leave until the black male Muslim aggressively approached InDaCarSeat DaTGuY only to recurved after he got played by the black journalist.

Details about the black waiting Muslim approach towards the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY includes aggressive language, aggressive body language, snarling and signaling to the white race man.

“You want to say something to me,” the Muslim said.

Holding his practice apparatus in hand, having just arrived within seconds having not even placed down his equipment, the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford said “are you talking to me?”

“Yeah. You got something you want to say?” The Muslim responded. Snarling and approaching this time

Dropping all other items except his practice apparatus, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY turned and responded, as the Muslim obviously expected the smaller InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Ashford to back up- while responding InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford stepped towards the bully. “Do you know ME? Then is this the time when you supposed to,” and the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY mixed one step closer to the Muslim who was approaching him. “Is this when you supposed to smack your wife for scaring off the H9NKY you were trying to abuse the black with?”

The Muslim backkkkkkk his shit up and went and sat his black ass down, seeing the judo positioning of the apparatus ready to destroy a FAGGIT who was trying the wrong person.

The Muslim sat down, and InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford proceeded with his aerobic step workout on legs. And then approached was another white man who came for backup after the Muslim failed his intimidation ploy.

Knowing that such a backup would come from the downlow GAY BLACK MALE gent as it is a pattern of behavior that journalism has detected. The backup was another white man in a darker grey van with a diplomat tag.

The man approached the carousel area where the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s workout was already in progress. The man walked close enough to have been snapped in the face by the rifle like apparatus that the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was using. The white man, in all his whiteness, was told to please “respect social distancing”.

After the man appeared to have disrespected again, the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford then approached that white man wearing all blue and asked first for clarification, “Do you know what the word respect means?” InDaCarSeat DaTGuY asked, because the man appeared stuffed with medicines or something which could have yielded a delusional person standing in front of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. “Let me inform you what is disrespecting”, closed the statement by the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford.

The man began rambling in a fraud getaway car sense but was interjected by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY.

“First do not signal to me. I do not want your diseases. Secondly, do you have a reservation, because as I am aware no reservations can be made for this area. And thirdly, this area is “first come first serve basis” which means I was HERE first. As for respect training, it is disrespectful to barge in with whiteness expecting nice. When you know better or SHOULD know better. You don’t seem to be mentally challenged, but ARE YOU? I am so Sorry that you don’t have nice right now. You should find your respect, before we have to force it upon you,” said the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford.

That man fraudulent rambled again then turned right around to the black Muslim – right in the face of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, and signaled to the black Muslim. And guess what? The black Muslim male signed back to the white man showing undeniable disrespect for the black anger if nothing else, and showing RESPECT for the white man in an open arms way from the dark black Muslim.

That is what InDaCarSeat DaTGuY presumes is done to women in these black men’s homes planted and placed by the white men gang who the black ass Nasty Low Class MUSLIMs and black men fucks in the homes with their wives. Wrong answer this time.

The black ass Muslim was told “please smack like you smack your wife after being caught hunting a H9NKY for butt juice.” The InDaCarSeat DaTGuY told the MUSLIM to please lose control the way you do secretly in your homes with your black wives and scare a poor woman to death. InDaCarSeat DaTGuY said out loud, “please smack THIS black ass BITCH!”

And waiting was the BITCHBOY-ready to swap from a dress right into a testosterone filled nut sack pair of dirty shit stained draws to beat this shit head to a pulp. Right there in front of his kids.

Questions about morals and kids? Well Muslim did you care so much about the kids when you brought your black son and your black daughter out to the park following a black man journalist to find a whiter man in goddamn RACISM? Nope you didn’t care about the kids – that is why we will simply put the kids in CPS care and even give them away to foster care.

InDaCarSeat DaTGuY then warned both the black man and the whites man of the next time either decides to pimp their kids. “Trading commodities even your kids shall be filed on your 1040 taxes and make sure of it next time when using kids in prostitution comes to mind.”

InDaCarSeat DaTGuY terry Ashford went back to his workout and called it done. “The bitch ain’t gonna do shit” he thought. “Might as well finish what I came for”.

Was it over? Nope. “No need to signal HOE, you don’t have no backup in no black man. We got him too!” And that is when the black woman drove up in the blue Acura to back up the moral platform. And that was as InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford was leaving.

Upon leaving, is when the staged fight was planned and appeared as InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford walked from the carousel area.

The black and white man with kids waited to harass and badger the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford hoping for intimidation of the 2 over 1 persons. The men had planned to visually abuse the sights of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY by invading the environment with racism.

After that failed, another white man was sent by gang which we think was police to badger the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY and to offer as a “shut up” tool-after seeing what the planted black man was doing. That failed when the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY told the white man he doesn’t want his diseases. The whiter man was clearly sickly without any speculations.

Upon leaving then the scam by police we allege stashed another person to make a falsified call. That call call would not seem a falsification because noise was heard coming from the wooded area. So the caller would have been cleared.

The noise from the wooded area was staged we allege by the same persons in a gang format who staged the previous three setups. That noise was the screaming from the wooded areas which was supposed to have been falsely planted by the organizers as the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford. The entire frame has failed.

Worthy to notate are these other facts: the Muslim Male approached only to see no fear and the smaller smiling man stepped forward towards his bully tactic instead of stepping backwards. The man in the blue cameras backup to the Muslim- badgering and offered to InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. The call may have been made from another waiting person in a gray hood black tight jogging pants, who was NOT jogging at all, wearing orange or light red tennis shoes. The screaming from the wooded area failed to produce a person’s face. And the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford recognizing all of these facts spontaneously – saw his response to setup the caller by asking him for the exact time. “Four 15” he said. And that was confirmed by another pedestrian.

The waiting black male and waiting white males were linked by the plot. So was the white male in the diplomat tagged grey van – and then so was the waiting on the corner caller who was not expecting to have been identified. All were linked to the screams from the wooded area that produced no face.

Well no face would be needed to point the incident to a person they already had in mind would it. No! And that person we allege on the opposite side of the frame was the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford, who is the journalist and author of this report.

The dispatcher of the MPD where the call would have been made was to send an insider of the Police who would report no person then assign the report as the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford, all behind the scene. All the men would have been cleared and the only one who would have suffered from the fraudulent activity would have been the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY behind the scenes.

The men and the crime activity has been identified as following patronage areas and locations of the victim InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. And this day it followed to setup scheme at the Rock Creek Park where InDaCarSeat DaTGuY goes for a quiet workout. Same as done at the boardwalk and Starbucks and Barnes Noble and everywhere else the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY visits.

It is alleged that the conspirators were working on a deadline behind the scene that required framing something or anything on the innocent InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford. The need was to sabotage whatever was happening in the background that the victims would not have privy of knowing by the police.

This report was done by the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford. Press time of this report is 730 pm for an incident that occurred at 415 the same day.

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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